Wednesday, July 29, 2015

BHARAT RATNA: 'A newspaper boy'!

A newspaper boy,
to ecclesiastes of fore

Today, fire, more flares
by my wings,
for the journey, now, begins;
an ether to transcend

No more, no more, whine
to adieu the 'people's man'
as so oft he did saith:
to dream, and awake!

To the days, that
tomorrow will be no more;
I 'll see to it
thy mast, to bear
ever fluttering, thy heights!

While the embers shall burn
to cover up the skies;
I shall pledge by my words
to heave, golden, ever golden
thy beat

Thou hast, but
taken a momentary respite;
My chords are entact
umbilical to thy love

Now the newspaper readings will be
full of pearls tomorrow, tears
rolling and glittering thy every words;
Here lived the people's man, that
ones sold the Newspaper!

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