Friday, August 28, 2009


Hi! God (atheist)
Give me strength
and bind me with fetters
to my self-strength
Who says i'm an underdog
Let them feel the above
Who cares
Let there be an infinite wisdom
to conceal my sentimentality
I pray thy (atheist)
to put more of 'Ghee'
to flare up my eyes.
With full confidence
I give up my thought
to my uncertainity.
Let wisdom pour through the
Books in this uncertain
friendship, fraud the world over...

Monday, August 17, 2009

Pure Heart

Mother you are Christian.
You serve the poor and you are God to them,
You talk and are rendering honey from mouth,
You are short and are touching the sky,
Your attire is plain and you are kaleidoscopic,
You are stern and the heart starts palpitating,
Mother you are nice and you exude humanity.
You are supple and sloppy, and
All nature stoops on you.
Mother your look is distant and it effects the nearest,
You have sagging skin and you are the most beautiful,
Your son's are leprosy ridden, deranged and are in heaven,
You feed them and you are an angel.
You walk and the shadow look in awe.
You have faith in Christ and are serving all Gods.
You are dead and are living Now.
Your soul was above the intellect,
you were a NIRMAL HRIDAY.

Rewiew: Published by 'vox poetica'

Thanks to Annmarie Lockhart, editor of 'vox poetica'!


Mother you are Christian.
You serve the poor and you are God to them,
You talk and are rendering honey from mouth,
You are short and are touching the sky,
Your attire is plain and you are kaleidoscopic,
You are stern and the heart starts palpitating,
Mother you are nice and you exude humanity.
You are supple and sloppy, and
All nature stoops on you.
Mother your look is distant and it effects the nearest,
You have sagging skin and you are the most beautiful,
Your son's are leprosy ridden, deranged and are in heaven,
You feed them and you are an angel.
You walk and the shadow look in awe.
You have faith in Christ and are serving all Gods.
You are dead and are living Now.
Your soul was above the intellect,
you were a NIRMAL HRIDAY.

Friday, August 7, 2009


The purity of the materialistic environment
Is a disguise attempting to eradicate
The proper functioning of our Faculties.
Slaves are born to serve the servile nature,
It wholly depends upon the inner strength;
Want that or a platform for the neck-cuff.
Tinkling of the two coins never stops;
Either head clashes with the tails or vise-versa
Never the surfaces meet.
It is only when it spins the surfaces meet
A vague singularity shines through it;
'Static' the same old tale protrudes.
Heaviness is the property of coins;
Paper currency is light in texture;
Logic is meant to be demarcated paerfectly.
Contentment is reached in the belly
The ego commands purity
Mentally purity recedes far away.
Silence pervades materially
And the whole body becomes mute,
Ready for the funeral to take place.
Purity is not vague;
Loop-holes are parcelled away;
Plucking of vagueness permeates Purity.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Purity intermingle's with the impurity,
And thus we understand the fact.
Thought is distracted with thinking,
And thus we invent laws.
One sees with two eyes.
But the third eye becomes a leader.
I eat food,
But the stomach of saddness is filled.
You pray to God,
And the God is everywhere.
We do something,
And the other is Beneficiaries.
We use full potential for Our 'self'.
But are not Patented.
The same hide and seek Game.

Monday, August 3, 2009


Hi! God (atheist)
Give me strength
and bound me with fetters,
To my self-strength.

Who says I am underdog
Let them feel the above
Who cares.

Let there be an infinite wisdom
to conceal my sentimentality
I pray Thy (atheist)
to put more of 'Ghee'
to flare up my eyes.

With full confidence
I give up my thought
to my uncertainity.

Let wisdom pour through the,
Books in this uncertain
Friendship, fraud the world over.