Monday, July 26, 2021


"... layers deeper within" much of deeper love inside!

Beauty thy words and feelings dear Sir.

Thanks for the share!

How is life and death respected - this modern world!

For the first - to ignore it because the person is useless;
and for the second - because the person is dead.


The sky was sinking fast
On that vanishing horizon

An unknown messenger -
An apparition
Hurriedly stepped in 
Pawing its feet
out of the globular air 
with a penchant
for an inglorious say 
Turned a bigger mouth towards me -
How with a wider thump and a deeper thud
It fell, and drowned.

How could I fathom the depth
On whose non-existence
I beat my heart and head 


It was blooming 
of my heart -
Tender wishes smouldering
A glow in the skies

Soft petals, falling 
Pink from my eyes -
A gainly say 
of my heart

Looking an awe
to the state of my mind
A streak of tears, flowed
Like an unbidden love

There is an undefining factor 
Sledging our hearts -
To whom, and how far
And the universe goes on expanding as ever


On a sill of a broken window
I could see scattered images
of the time in the past, that
we have spent in togetherness
Mirroring pain and pleasure alike
You let me pass 
The futility of my ocular vision 
That you are not there 
for my receptivity -
Upending my affection to the twinkling stars
In this full moon night

I lay here contemplating
The count of broken windows 
that may have been left unattended
Behind my closed and swollen eyes




I have lost 
the way of my heart.
Wherever I go, searching you
Outside of me 
I soberly miss my chances -
Like an intoxicated deer
I search musk whirling my steps outside
Bitten by 'Mrig-Trishna' 

How will I find your bearing on me
Whenever I search 
The beating of my heart
Trolling inside
I find it lay scattered outside
Wallowing on my own shallowness
Slavery; imbibing
pitchers and pitchers of own drunkenness


How you wither
my past -
My memory is sinking 
into an oceanic depth;
Just whisper
the 'present' to inner me
To croon my future 
with big ears, that 
Those of higher altitude, hear
by the mountains and lakes -
Resonating between volcanic sound and subdued silence


Keep you O
The heart of your silence
Sparkling like a diamond 
Buried deep into your breath
See to it, that
It must not disturb the air 
Coming out and coming in 
from your nostrils


Give no words
to my wakeful silence
in whose cosmic attire
Vastness enfolds
Taking cycles 
of birth and death
in it's perennial fertility, still
Crying no words for Her deeds 


Sleep you well 
in my ocean depth 
O my wriggling desire 
For want of you only 
I quarry an earth 
in this darkest dream of my night -
What work is it in the skies, that
Thousand twinkles are buried, in here -
Earthy bound 


Who frets this mellifluous music 
Plucking an invisible string
Rolling my inebriated heart
In direction undestined 
Munificent of the hinterland
Along the way of sublimity  

Speak those quivering lips
Syllable with my fluffy words 
What ignorance I drew
I drew by yours twittering charm 
Singing a distant song 
Immigrant of my dreams 


The air which I was breathing
Transformed into a cupped hands, and
I looked for the Potter 
In this pottery of His work 

Whole heaven melted down 
In this bowl of my destiny 
Casting His bearing on me 
Glittering, and overflowing

I was not me, then;
That took pleasure of my ecstasy
I was His unborn child
Floating inside the womb 


Some avian of my dream
Drew a winged lines of my thoughts
Flapping weightless 
on a ride - Horizon bound 

It is so easy to mark a space
streamlining along;
Like an elucent glowworm
Emitting tranquility into the dark night 

All settled down
of its own avow
Onesie to my garments 
Wrapped by space and slippery time


Even if the doors creak
out of its junk reeds
Make supple your strength 
And write a line of Poetry daily -
The breath of the muse

There is nothing to be ashamed of
A line or two of your beat 
We have seen junkies
By nectarine buzz of the Muse

World will take 
An unnecessary pleasure out of you -
Deriding and deflexing.
Make yourself 
A whole universe within 

Time cuts like an outer fleece
No one knows 
When 'Time' comes and slips away, and 
We prat our feet 

Let us take 
Baton of words 
Fill the music fretting your heart -
This is one moment, and one chance 
Life is nothing to grudge, but to smile your way a top 


From nowhere 
and without 
It sprouts within -
The whole emptiness blossoms
Vastness as its petal spread

The lotus unseen, is 
Such a fortuitous serendipity 
No joy is worth treasuring, but 
Discovering oneself, within;
Sipping nectar of it's nebulous glow 

Nothing deludes us 
As much as our outer self.
Much, that is gained 
Is the expanse of beauty 
The pristine authority within 

I am submerged 
By the bestowing -
The munificent grace 
of His generosity 
Everywhere that I find, I find a blooming me within 


Someone feathered down
from the highest altar 
of the heavenly gate 
And, took to my hands 
in its softest touch ever -
Flapping a chirp
to my beating heart
in every go of my childish walk, alongside
Ever that I dreamt for 
It came real into me 
Tempting my wishes for more 


I was left 
with an occurrence of His light
When all that you procured for me here as a transcient dross 
Weared out of my use 

It was vacuous of 
my lesser instinct, that 
Heaved a beat from outside, and
Weaned me of my suckling 

One respite from You
Went on prodding my eternity 
And, I of the weaker lot 
Splintered into many pieces


All life
I drew familiarity within me -
of my relationship with my family
with my friends, the nature, the sky 
the burning sun, the silvery moon,
the temples, the mosques, the churches,
the pain, the pleasure, and all
the nights and the days

Yet, I know not the count of my senses
if ever it was 
to check my bearing on life
that I was born with 

My familiarity drew a drought 
at the end
Desert to my wishes -
An ash 

All went drifting away 
like a mound on a higher space
Nothing resonated, nor 
to pledge my familiarity

I was self proclaimed Deadman 
buried somewhere into the dent of outer space
Away from the sounds of familiarity, that
These earthy people are proud of -
In language, arts and crafts


Your whole business was 
in and out, of my breath.
I am stilled here 
into my grave 


It goaded 
Whole of its bearing on me 
Fronting all my life agog 

It was lesser of thought
Methinking over me 
to live my life, a nought 

Some extant of stillness remains 
to gauge the unexplored 
Beyond the slavery of our senses 


I went out disembodied
Sliding myself down
from the outer curvilinear spaces
One curve to the other
Whole matrix of fore -
playground a top 

The ghost of me was 
more than my bodily part 
inviting happiness, playfully
to all astral beings 
This sky to that -
Soul to soul 


I hop and pop 
Frolicking my childhood days
Merry making the lanes, and bylanes 
with a touch of my soft feet
Mirroring into the quizzical eyes of my standing grandpa and grandma
Must they also will be thinking the same, but
lo, they have waned and stooped a little of now; 
How sad I feel -
Yet, brighter into their twinkling eyes 
Are Olympian of their own 

I hop and pop ...


Far off
from the heavy wheels, pressing
on busy roads in this wakeful night.
I take a plunge,
into my deeper abyss -
Whence with the same extension 
of its passing
Will it take a curve to my fall 
Under its screeching wheels -
Never to cry again, but
One crush to my end.


Why take a hoof
to my blinkers, and 
Term a veil to my life

Come, come out 
from the cacoon, and 
Weigh your life with truth 

Incandescent will you gaze 
The birthing of a new Sun 
Peeping the dawn 

The cause of 'me'

How softly
you settle a paw
on my flickering breath;
I bid adieu my familiarity
with this world -
Sledging into hinterland
of feline beauty -
The galactic night all-round
Gyrating the cause of 'me'
with giant
of it's nebulous eyes, and
Still bigger 
the heart of empty spaces
Ruling my unruly time 


Knot me not 
The ghost of my caged heart.
All here grate me 
in human form -
Shreds of torn pieces:
Heart and all heart 

Shake me rugged
Out of me, bodiless 
into galactic whirl.
Those of here
Might by belonging
Set me free, an apparition 

Weigh me not 
with my earthy deeds. 
I savour not 
The likes of heaven or hell
I am my born world 
I am the ghost of the ghost 



Not that; that
no light availth from its
Darkest deluge of my heart
One spark was not enough -
I burnt the whole sky 
with my Ash