Monday, June 25, 2018


What fingers you weave
by your braided fragrance 
Neither I judge the difference
Between my hands, or
the fillet by the garden space -
It beat fluffy to my soul 
Chirping, cajoling 
the very nature of oneness -
Me and you, and vise-versa 
in togetherness


You came fussy, about
all worldly languages
at the tip of your forked tongue
and, when I queried 
the instances of your upbringing 
I found richness of your pride
all sands of a desert -

By a hunch on your back


It avow willingness
to sprout -
from any place, any where 

It is but 
A matrix -
That cast a mould on you 

It is but a dream
That plays, heaven
Over the skies


How comfortably
will you ask me
of my whereabouts;
Did I not 
privileged you 
inside my heart, before!

It is only in pain, that
Silence sprouts your understanding of me
Come, come unruly 
to weep a little with me 
And say by your heart 
Not the degree of love
that owe on you; but
A cry in pain -

Birthing a new beginning 


Started collecting pearls
of my eyes
bedecked it on a blue canvas -
up in the sky

Such was the twinkle, that
it owned me, all
That was no more of this earth -

Seven wonders, alive.


If you will come
close by my side
whispering the fullfillment
of my last wish 
into my ears
with a glee;
I will certainly not offend you
by not hearing it inside my grave
Will take a big ear
into an outer unknown

Sprouting my verdant heart


When I looked at the mirror
it seemed it was looking at me, and 
when I removed the coating 
from its back 
I was no more 'me'
Face to face 
But a stark reality -
Giving a push on my face 


Who 'm I!


I ever try to, revamp 
my inner self within
by my true silence
Shedding worth of my thoughts

but, finding my breath 
Coaxing: inhaling and exhaling
I become an ote 
to my colorless heart 

Finding no respite 
my accidental choice - The birth

I count on life for the use of it


I will bear the wound 
to the cut of my ears
paint my pain 
into "Sunflower"
All "Starry Night sky"
to see, what
Comes of Theo, his brother
Who played a middle man
to his blood Van Gogh
whole of his life -
in pain and penury


I will never waste you 
in my passionate desire, here;
But will take a heavenly hook
To bait you there

Not that this earth is
quagmire of limited desire -
Birth till death
But a bigger haul of unfulfilled wishes

And I will scale 
Every skin on your body
Pisces to my zodiac sign
And let you swim in an ocean of my love


How the night, milk
out of its large udder 
I ever get satiated, cocooned
inside its silvery nest 
and play my beaks 
Upon a simple story
with a little smile
Spreading a cozy look 

I live 
Not by larger extant 
of dark nights
Essence of its bloom, that
Play softest 
to my petal eyes, and 
take joy 

Blinking every story to my dreams


Now that I have lost 
the syllable -
Somewhere into the murky ground
Still I urge my wishes
Towards a silvery path 
Pronouncing seven moons 
into my darker nights;
Yet it sickle me 
towards blind phases
Never finding a new moon 
To pray 
by my mumbling lips 


A time you open the door
The next, you latch;
What keeps you there
to stop
the stepping of my feet 
Am I not so 
the guest -
Inside out
One that you reason me living in, and
the next 
Graving me out 


What is This
Colour changing -
Azure of deep ultramarine 
in the sky
Shining so bright

All clouds are clearing away
for the hue 
of your manifestation
So dazzling -
Blinding my eyes 

How is that
Your vast imagery, take
Willow to my breath -
Pliant to my palpitating heart

Muting all my earthy wishes
You wishper 
A grand union -
Leaving whatever is here of me

Towards your unity with my one 'self"


You braided the air
by the hue of your plumes
Gaining beauty unparalleled

You were no such bird 
But a phoenix to my dreams
Birthing every second with vigour and youth

No fire flickered, against 
What you seek of me 

But a flower vase from the ashen whole


O ye the wonder man
See, how wonderfully 
you are formed in body and soul
from head to toe
Spirited nature -
Seepping into you
All that Is, and all
That will remain ever 
Birthing and rejuvinating 
The Cosmotic will 
I am here by the time, and
for the time
That I am born,
And unborn 
Churning the space 
in a galactic whirl 
O ye the wonder man 
Take a mirror 
Out of your divinity
Here this moment, and

All eternity


For you, that 
I have dipped my brush 
in an ocean of paint

I never know, how
Will I draw your portraiture 
on the blue canvas 

You came 
to obey my wishes, and
Vanished by the dark night


Ask him 
not to howl my name 
Squeezing my pain 
Yelping in the night
I am not of canine
Nor of raucuous bound
Take shrill into higher air 

Call me nameless
in matters of my friendliness
That, I
Outlive my will 
to rescue you out of here -
On the plinth of highest altar
That in your peacefulness, I beat my heart... 


From Homo erectus to Henrietta Lacks - Immortalised

You mutated a longer strand
of my two lakh years old genes
and here I am penning my poems
from the helical bond of DNA
gurgling four letters, paired
into my billion genomes
inside a nucleus

What faith could I envelop
on my Mitochondrial Eve
that by spreading a change
it lessened predated humans
into more of a present man
engineering his hands, on
Mapping an immortalised gene


Take not,
the look of your eyes
on me
darker of night
my weaker heart
those black pupil
enticing the maze of your depth

Hold me closer, near
on lashes of your eyelids
like an invisible dust
and, keep it closed
pain will enter inside;
Keep me off in lesser distance
giving dream after dreams
inside -
from your closed eyes

सिमटती हवा

एक आह ने
दर्द को ऐसा समेटा
दिल बुझता गया, और
हवा भी सिमटती गयी

आँखें नम थी
और दम भी
कण कण
टूट रही थी

एक आवाज़ निकलती हुई
मद्धम सी
आसमां को तकती
आस टटोल रही थी

किस बिना पर
शब्दों को छेड़ा था उसने
जीवन भर बोलते फिरते
दुर्दुम्भी का खेल रचाया था

क्या राग है ये
किसको साथ लगाने का
मिट्टी के पुतले को
साँस से सींचने का

Sunday, June 3, 2018

तूफ़ान सा क्यों है

लहरों की हंसी पर
कभी इठलाता हूँ मैं
कभी ख्वाब बन
आसमां से बरस जाता हूँ मैं

वक़्त की सरगोशी से
पैहम है रात और दिन का होना
चंद लम्हों पर
निढाल सा परे रहना

गैरत में अमादा है
रूह का फिक्रमन्द होना
वरना समंदर में
ये तूफ़ान सा क्यों है 

पास हो तुम

पास हो तुम, फिर;
दूर, विचरते क्यों हो

हे करूणानिधि
विकार विनाशक
हे पालनहार
दृश्य दिखाते क्योँ नहीं

मन विचलित है
नित् , अश्रुधार लिए
ताप, तम संलिप्त
कई रात अन्धकार लिए

चित्त शाषित है
मन आह अग्नि लिए
जय हे, जय हे
हे तारक, विकार विनाशक

पास हो तुम, फिर;
दूर, विचरते क्यों हो
हे दात्री, हे दयानिधि

तुम्हे पुकारूँ
या भक्ति करूँ
मन पाक है, प्रहार कैसे करूँ
भाव सागर पार करो हे पालनहार

भ्रमित हूँ
खण्डित  प्रचंड अपार लिए
पास हो तुम, फिर;
दूर, विचरते क्यों हो 

Friday, June 1, 2018


Not by
passing you through
the slush of your darker whirl

But, Slowly
against your twitching pull

I drilled a pass
into your
Gravitational stronghold

I let a streak of light
A new sprout -
Muezzin to my freedom