Wednesday, July 29, 2015

UNFURLING ‘Rejected Stuff’ (21.07.2015)

Ruel, thy frolicking squirrel blob
Innocent of teddy bear's eyes
Will live long the look today
Unfurling ‘Rejected Stuff’

Ruel, thy abounding love
Drip corners from my warm eyes
No frailty but strength gauges your look
Unfurling ‘Rejected Stuff’

Ruel, thy chroma will ring
Oeuvre to thy wonder
Till my breath and beyond
Unfurling ‘Rejected Stuff’

Ruel, thy parents’ cocoon
Adore amber of golden love
I often fumble and fail my words
Unfurling ‘Rejected Stuff’

Ruel, my kindly muse
Partake a dew nectarine
As ever I shake my being
Unfurling ‘Rejected Stuff’

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