Sunday, April 15, 2012

Thy label, Thy LOVE!

The flow unextinguished catches fire of freedom.
Why 'm I feeling gasping for breath... Isn't it "PRAM SHANTI" ... The Eternal Peace!

Hey the GIVER!
Why are thee tearing my SOUL.

Never is the day gone awry in thy comtemplation.
Never is the night secure in thy forbearance.

Every cell and every tissue of mine clash in thy charisma.
Such a heinous crime have I perpetrated ? .... Thy can't be so hard-hearted.

I need no stamp to post a letter at thy address.
The acknowlegment is kept hidden and I wriggle in pain.

Why did you put such a lofty appraisal in the name of LOVE.
Can it not be as simply unborn.

Oh! Thy label, Thy LOVE!

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