Tuesday, October 6, 2015


I eagerly followed
the movement of the Dark;
listless, I began to hear
Noiseless fish, as they swam
about the fearful waters
Above, the fathomless beneath
veering along the mindless path
keeping a deep sigh within

Muted all began, Death
flapping its deathless wings;
a treacherous comforter
familiar and indispensable;
inspecting quiet and lonely place
Choosing a winning noose, hanging
by the strong branches, lurking
behind the detestable forest, grim

I eagerly composed
Little by little
A brief farewell letter
Those were to be found on my corpse;
Relapsing my momentous pride, that
I did not do in my life;
Desperate and forlorn straits
Now wait my sudden demise

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