Thursday, July 25, 2013


You tore a side of the page
And tells me to flip the page
How cruel you are!

You do he same kind again
And every time summon your shame
How egoist you are!

The past was read out aloud
In the peep of the future
And present torn away
Wow! The game!
Wow! Thy play!

Please note: This poem is dedicated in solidarity with Louis Kasatkin... Unemployment and Hunger strike!

P R E S S - R E L E A S E : Louis Kasatkin,Freelance Performance Poet and Writer from Wakefield is going on hunger strike from 00.01 GMT,Friday 25 July to protest at his long term unemployment. Despite years of experience in a number of sectors including warehousing and retail customer sales,as well as leading poetry workshops in schools, Louis has applied unsuccessfully for more than 1,000 vacancies since 2008 and spent the last 2 years on the largely ineffectual Work Programme. As a Christian and Social Justice Activist , Louis is going on hunger strike to highlight the official hostility and economic privations which millions of unemployed are experiencing because of failed government policies. The hunger strike/ fast will continue until he receives the offer of employment. Louis says , " I was a Trades Union and Right to Work activist under Thatcher but today's social and economic apartheid fuelled by official antipathy towards the jobless is much worse. " As to the fast itself , " Regular Daily Updates from Friday 26th.on Louis Kasatkin facebook page,Iain Duncan-Smith:The IDS Official Fan Page on facebook and @louiskasatkin on twitter.Wakefield for Change facebook page

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