Saturday, August 11, 2012


The nature of woods
In the form of books
Gives pleasure abound
Which the reading
Only could savour

Kept peacefully
On the bookshelves
In all its glitter
Bound hardback and paperback
Reused later for re-reading

The aroma volatile
The old and the new
From the pages
Crisp and cruchy
In the forward turn
Of the books end,
Gives a surge
An urge of digestion
In comprehension compound

The festivities of opening
The initial pages of books
Blush into rosy cheeks
Guessing what the unread
Shyness withholds into
The flow enebrieted

The immersion
Thus received
Gets the last hold
At the close of the books
With Jest and jesture
The feeble fingers of hands
Feebly lay the books back
Into the bookshelves
Carefully into the glory ...
The essence Divine!

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