Thursday, July 19, 2012

Game of GOD! .... the GOD Particles!!

The clash happened
Proton to proton.
The human nuleus,
Higgs-Bosons (Bose)
Toiled for the take
To look for the mass
In every particle
Germinated thus
Into exquisite detail

The long wait ends
Fifty years after
Flurry with events
The moments begins
In all its joyful-ness
Clapping, whistling ...
The talk gets momentum
The supersymetry 125Ge-V
Mass turned energy
Peeps through LHC at CERN

Tantalise with teasing
The touch becomes too heavy
To light the Dark Forces
Whose extension exists
In thoughts thus perceived
The beginning has no end
In the game of GOD!

Catch me if you can!

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