Saturday, August 21, 2010

Bending of thought

Reason is the parents of thoughts.
Is there any reference for the infinite?
Is thought living or non-living?
Can we catch thoughts?

Thoughts have vibrations.
Is it any product of material brain?
Is thought light or heavy in weight?
Can we weigh thought?

Thoughts are colorless.
Is it any mutation of color?
Is thoughts kaleidoscopic or black and white?
Can we imprint thoughts?

Thoughts have its by-products.
Is there any raw material for the make-up?
Is thought explosive or non-explosive?
Can we explore its benifits?

Thoughts have its own individuality.
Is it masculine or feminine?
Is it bold or soft?
Can we unite its single-ness?

Thoughts are noisy.
Is there any tuning-fork to tune the thoughts?
Are thoughts random or synchronous in nature?
Can we hear or touch thoughts?

Thoughts are protogonist of the story.
Is there any author of thought barring its, self?
Is thought written with the preface or index?
Can we comprehand thoughts?

Bending of thoughts sounds true!


सुमंत/Sumant. said...

Great pool of thoughts once again. You have so many questions in your thoughts which really leave the reader unanswered and makes him realize the power of thoughts and questions about self that are still waiting to be answered. I guess getting the answers to such questions is the very base of our birth as human beings..!!

Thanks a lot for sharing such a wonderful piece of poetry with everyone.

Kishu said...

Thougths" rightly the property of being a man, I love to say even a tigress has thought of protecting her cubs... or emotions and thoughts are same indeed somewhere like god" beyond parlance as the stars artists love as they are..