Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Is union a binding of disintegrated Harmony?
Is the binding an automated response to the harmony in nature?
Is supremacy hibernate the fighting instinct?

Dilemma here is not the populated thoughts,
But a single whole from where the thought emanates i.e. mind.

If love knows no bar, then where the unknown disappears.
If there is harmony all over, is there a need for a union?

Is union an explosion for the end product?
Making up of new integrated harmony.

If all thing is disintegrated irreversibly,
Then what is there, for thinking of unison.

Time unites all things;
But, can time be united itself?

If time the leader, can't it be in unison by itself?
Then union alone is reduced to its own probability.

Can harmony be reversed?
If yes, then there is a chance for a bond with integration.

Union makes us bask in its soothing effects.
Union is inner peace, no turmoil;
Union is honey, no bitterness;
Union is an integrated whole, no disintegration;
Union is always present when we are in harmony.
That's it!


pankaj sharma said...

Yes sir, i do agree with you.UNION is very important.There are no exact rules on how to do (achieve this) this. It's entirely up us.There are many elements that define the word UNION and everyone has different viewpoints.
You could focus on one element that you think goes toward achieving UNION, or just focus on the general concept of making the world a better place for everyone. Just as long as we all focus together on things that underline this UNIFYING goal.
Well sail by you...union is inner peace.....it's real honey....present everywhere....in every soul.

Kishu said...

Rightly said..
Unification of soul for mankind.. or one soul..