Sunday, November 30, 2014


Let us bequeath
Bouquet of love
In loving memory Of
Our departed souls
The near and dear ones
The friends and the foes

That is how
Night's silvery glow, shape
Our golden Sun

Let eternal fragrance
Dose oeuvre of faith
To our loving past
Jingling and clinking our joys
The hugs and the healing touch
The love and the warmth

That is how
Stars winkle, twinkling
Our living faith


All words pale
Before my hushed height
Yet of humble intent
I gain silent redressal
Contemplating reflexes
Couching many of my forms:

Why for liberty
Contrived a fate
Reading palmistry
To my silent repose


Weeping convoluted pain
Down the stair-lines
Overcoming grief, with
Hanging head,
He marched down
His involuntary steps
With uncanny loathsome thoughts
Accounting no faith
To any whim or fancy;
And was tending fad
To his growing contempt,
That life racing death
Has no chance to fancy a win
To vile his doused strength
With fading lines
Fluffing the border
With lacuna of
Unrestricted pain!

Friday, November 28, 2014


Splashed by the great diktat
Of an uneven kind
I rolled up my silent strength
Spilling whimpers
To my untimely sob

Fluttering and floating
The distant mirage
Unrealistic of hope and hype
I resize my wings
Greater than the skies

How callous it could be
Insisting pain upon pain.
I will plunge thee deep
Whooping a delight;
And you will weep me not


Wed me O celestial bride
Weaving golden yarn
Solaris, as my wedding gown;
Decking Venus love, pouting
Brighter than the Mercury's pride

Milkyway as wedding platform
My fingers lay in tiers
Craving Jupiter's nuptial ring

amour, amour ... longer Neptune nights

The affair engages in love
Marinating essence divine
Sublimating the whole in one

amour, amour ... the bursting stars

I summon an invite
Cracking thunder and lots of light
Ever sweetest in its plight

amour, amour greater say
Wedding my desire!


I insisted upon my father
Why is there a single Moon
Floating the sky above;
Is she not afraid of the big space,
Creeping alone in dark and longer nights!


Not that it spread out petals
Soft, colourful and wide
What held my precedence, was
But the murky essence
That after a short while from now
Your memory will prevail
Counting on my inner joy
And you will be no more
To outweigh my existence


Lover's bed
Flavoured with cinnamon
Taste sweeter
Before an aroma of drink

What else
Need it be
To let the cauldron boiling
In an open fire
When the flare is
Wagging its tail within

No need
Importing spices
For soups and drinks
As the form melts
Savoring the delicacies within!

Phillip Hughes

... boucer!


O my GOD, ... MY GOD
.... wet eyes.

Cricket ...
Speed ...

Cerebellum, and


One promishing life, Untold.

I hold my breath and I feel
.... And
the length of life
Just 10 feet wide! ... and, no more!


....... wet eyes....
and no more words!!



Weeping convoluted pain
Down the stair-lines
Overcoming grief, with
Hanging head,
He marched down
His involuntary steps
With uncanny loathsome thoughts
Accounting no faith
To any whim or fancy;
And was tending fad
To his growing contempt,
That life racing death
Has no chance to fancy a win
To vile his doused strength
With fading lines
Fluffing the border
With lacuna of

Unrestricted pain!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Piping music

Basket-full of flowers
Parting the smile deep

Do thee know
How I crave you
Piping music
Made out of thorns!

Title: WATER Elemental: Water Poet: Tapeshwar Prasad (India)

The River of Joy
Destroyer of Pain
Its water of wisdom
Always remains the same

It gives fuel to the landmark
Gives life to the being
Engaging live for welfare
Of the living beings

It's been poured from the
Daughter of Mountains
Transforming its form
The Saviour, baptizing all

Title: FIRE WITHIN Elemental: Fire Poet: Tapeshwar Prasad (India)

The cause simmer
An eternal glow
Reposing delight
In rapture,
The fire within
Thrill eruptsd
Flaming mountains;
No less of me
Crystallize, blazing
The rhapsody within
He of fire
Rests in tranquility;
A faithful companion
To pyre burn, the dawn
An eternal abode!

Title : EARTH EPIC ELEMENT: Earth Poet: Tapeshwar Prasad (India)

Earth epic unfolds
Myriad throbbing forms
Pulsating eternal beat
Flapping perpetual voyage,
Basking into the void
Invoking the chasm
Pompous stillness
Rhyme celestial rhythm
Loitering blissfully
Earthy womb takes to birth
Celestial bound ‘Garuda’
Brings nectar to Earth
An elixir of life
Awakening all conscious
To yogic ‘vayus’ within

Title: SKY Poet: Tapeshwar Prasad Country: India

How many breaths
Will you freeze, twinkling
And tapering down thy gravity
In icicles of thy Great fair
O, the swirling and whirling out-there

Every pearl of my tears
Gaze thy play, dropping
Golden Sun and the silver Moon
Morning till nights;
Debting earth in many births

Vanity of 'I' only remain
Stretching my neck upward
Out from my loopholes
To pine thy look
In my secret crux

Revealing the unknown
Fluttering veins mine, have
Kept a portion of thy prayer
Warm of sizzling heart
Opening the Sky door inside

'Delete' KEY

With abated breath
I waith thy return
Pressing my eyes moist
To the 'Windows' desktop,
Static and dry of imprint

Roving futility around,
Repeatedly I dab my fingers
To the dead bakelite keys
A non-conductor;
Dull and full of slothing dark

Noiseless to any hues
and barren of any use
Cul-de-sac border my keys;
Bigger than my thoughts
'Delete' key rules, one and half footed land!

Saturday, November 8, 2014


With brilliance of chroma, O Sun!
I have rimmed edges of thy Moon.
So, if you could perceive any spot
Marring the crescent surface
Let that be my darkest desire
Falcating my upturn

Let me mirror thy golden bloom
Never have I seen you thus,
As my Golden-Moon!


Countless time
Have I, begged you
Not to buzz my ears
Cultivating eternal feed

In little heart mine
I can’t hold tears
Irrigating thy measure

What mobility gained
Suffusing thy lullaby,
In little murmur thine
I fled my flesh

To every proof
Permeating my pore,
I trailed you through;
Where my outfit
Slept thy eternal feet


Very delicately
I prime your move
on your every facebook updates

You only draw me
To your callow ‘Secret groups’
Searching for people, places and things

Approve me
For the penance, that
Atonement was my hinder land

Not all, if
My wings are clipped
Still could ruffle your meiotic cell

Very carefully
I blink your nerve
To your every facebook wall


Wherefrom will I compose verses

suturing ridges on distant planets

I know the distance in light years
Where your dominance reign in swirls

Wherefrom will I thrust my lunge
Shoving thy eternal strength

I know brighter Suns and  hoary Moons
Hovering longer days and darker nights

Wherefrom will I gather deeds
Quilling silence page by page

I know the flurry of unkempt desire
Storming mountains and the skies

Wherefrom will I dab thy paint
Smudging heart reveals thy form


Poor of timid hope

Pavement man sleeps.
Screeching wheels run,
Heeding unkempt dreams.
There the modern man, sprint.

What race is this,
Poverty plough veins
In hunger and disease, and
Plenty play Venus.
There the modern man, rot.