Saturday, October 10, 2020


The day I visited L.H. No - 14
all in the name of Poetry
All ceiling fans were running
the desky chair wore a forlorn look -
Waiting the muse to fur its wings

A little while ago attendance was marked on a sheet of paper.
All was set 
To cup in their divine afflatus 
in whose inspiration the aura was filled 

And lo
Barring a few 
It wore out 
in a flick of a second 
And drew an ulterior outline 

May it be remembered -
Not all comes slicking in 
by ivory oil 
All worth comes 
by wait and perseverance

Some left
Some in unwillingness
Pulled out in absence
Poetry looked in awe
of it's own making

I feel a minor 
in all your exuberance 
Cheerfulness, and high spirit
All Amen 
In wishes galore 

Naman _()_

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